Eastern Energy Raters


Frequently Asked Questions

In 2011, the Building Commission of Victoria introduced a new standard that requires all new homes, additions and alterations to have a minimum 6 star energy rating.  Other states have also introduced this standard to varying levels.

Ratings vary from 0 to 10 stars.  6 stars indicate a good level of thermal performance and reduced energy bills.  A zero-star rating means the building shell does practically nothing to reduce the discomfort of hot or cold weather. Occupants of a 10 star rated home are unlikely to need any artificial cooling or heating.

You will be required to submit an NatHERS Assessment (Energy Rating Report) in order to obtain a building permit.  Only accredited assessors can perform a NatHERS assessment.

Allow 3-5 days for most jobs, however your report can be done sooner under most circumstances if required.  Larger, more complex jobs will require more time. Contact us if you any questions.

The majority of jobs will cost between $150-$450, however without seeing plans we cannot give you a proper quote.  Quotes depend on the size of the dwelling and the complexity of the construction.  Discounts are given to multi-unit developments.

The minimum design documentation to get a rating required is:

  • Site plan (including details of adjacent buildings)
  • Floor plan including coverings
  • Elevations
  • Sections
  • Lighting plan
  • Location and type of exhaust fans
  • Window schedule
  • Construction material details
  • Clear north point

If information such as adjacent buildings or lighting plans are not received, ‘worst case’ scenarios are required to be modelled which may affect your rating.

Once you have received the quote and decided to go ahead, return the signed quote.  Once we have completed an initial assessment, we will send you either a ‘preview certificate’ if the plans obtain the required 6* rating, or some recommendations to obtain the required rating.  If you are happy, we will require the invoice to be paid in full (either by credit card or direct deposit) and we will then send the final certificate.

Ideally get the energy rater involved at the design concept stage.  7* compliance needs to incorporate design standards such as solar access.  Having the energy assessor involved at the start can help with prioritising ‘free’ energy from the sun, thereby helping with reducing the construction cost. 

We are also available for preliminary discussions to advise on what design elements may assist you to get the required rating.

Any extension or alteration requiring a building permit also requires an energy rating. In Victoria, the degree of reporting is dependent upon the size of the renovation and extension.  Please contact us for further details to see what your requirements are.

Whole of Home assessments are required as part of the NCC 2022 requirements.  This assessment includes heating and cooling systems, hot water systems, solar panels, pools and pumps, cooking appliances.  A minimum 60/100 for residential homes is required to comply.

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